Wild Rose Pub
Hosted by: Firebrands Camp
E23 - Firebrands Camp
Tue, Jul 30 at O'Dark Thirty
Grand Opening of the Wild Rose Pub on E23 (Firebrands Camp) on Tuesday July 30th. Enjoy drinks and snacks! Opens O'Dark Thirty. Irish Session Players welcome! ID Needed
Firebrands of Barren Field Camp Party, August 4th! Music by Haflacopter. Amazing food, and come try our camp drink "The Firebrand" Starts O'Dark Thirty. Id Required for Entry
Wild Rose Pub (E23) is open on these days (Or when the sign is up)
Tuesday July 30th
Wednesday July 31st
Friday Aug 2nd
Sunday August 4th (Party)
Tuesday August 6th
Wednesday August 7th
Thursday August 8th